Skinny Spuds: Summer Slimming Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Who doesn’t love mashed potatoes? Creamy, comforting, and oh-so-satisfying.

However, traditional mashed potatoes can be heavy on the calories and not always the best option for those trying to maintain a healthy diet, especially in the summer when we’re all looking to slim down a bit.

But fear not! I’ve got just the recipe for you: Skinny Spuds – the ultimate summer slimming mashed potatoes recipe that’s light on the calories but heavy on the flavor.

Let’s dive in and discover how to make this delicious dish!

1. Choosing the Right Potatoes

The key to making skinny mashed potatoes starts with choosing the right type of potatoes.

Opt for waxy potatoes like Yukon Gold or red potatoes instead of starchy ones like Russets.

Waxy potatoes have a lower starch content, which means they’ll result in a creamier texture without the need for excessive butter or cream.

2. Cooking Methods Matter

Instead of boiling the potatoes in a pot of water, try steaming them.

Steaming preserves more of the potatoes’ natural flavor and nutrients compared to boiling, and it also helps prevent them from becoming waterlogged.

Once the potatoes are tender, mash them using a potato masher or a fork until they reach your desired consistency.

3. Swap Out Heavy Cream

Traditional mashed potatoes often call for heavy cream or whole milk, which can add unnecessary calories and fat.

Instead, opt for lighter alternatives like low-fat milk or even unsweetened almond milk.

You’ll still achieve that creamy texture without all the extra calories.

4. Flavor Boosters

To enhance the flavor of your skinny mashed potatoes without piling on the calories, consider adding some flavorful ingredients like roasted garlic, fresh herbs, or tangy Greek yogurt.

These additions will elevate the taste of your mashed potatoes without weighing them down.

5. Go Easy on the Butter

While butter adds richness to mashed potatoes, it’s also high in calories and fat.

Instead of loading up your potatoes with butter, try using just a small amount or even omitting it altogether.

You can still achieve deliciously creamy mashed potatoes without all the added fat.

6. Incorporate Vegetables

Adding vegetables to your mashed potatoes not only boosts their nutritional value but also adds an extra layer of flavor and texture.

Consider mixing in steamed cauliflower, sweet potatoes, or even spinach for a colorful and nutritious twist on the classic dish.

7. Portion Control

When serving your skinny mashed potatoes, practice portion control.

Instead of piling your plate high, aim for a modest serving size and savor each bite.

Pair your mashed potatoes with a lean protein and plenty of vegetables for a well-balanced meal.


Skinny Spuds: Summer Slimming Mashed Potatoes are the perfect guilt-free indulgence for those craving the comfort of mashed potatoes without all the extra calories.

By making simple swaps and incorporating nutritious ingredients, you can enjoy this classic dish without derailing your healthy eating goals.

So go ahead, whip up a batch of Skinny Spuds and savor the deliciousness guilt-free!


1. Can I make Skinny Spuds ahead of time?

Absolutely! You can prepare the mashed potatoes ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator for up to two days.

When you’re ready to serve, simply reheat them on the stove or in the microwave until warmed through.

2. Can I freeze Skinny Spuds?

While mashed potatoes can be frozen, the texture may change slightly upon thawing.

If you do decide to freeze them, be sure to store them in an airtight container and consume them within one to two months for the best results.

3. Are Skinny Spuds suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

Yes! Skinny Spuds can easily be made vegetarian or vegan by using plant-based milk and omitting the butter.

You can also customize the recipe to suit your dietary preferences by incorporating your favorite vegan-friendly ingredients.

4. Can I add cheese to Skinny Spuds?

Absolutely! If you’re craving cheesy mashed potatoes, feel free to add a sprinkle of your favorite cheese to the recipe.

Just be mindful of portion sizes to keep the calorie count in check.

5. Can I customize Skinny Spuds with different flavors?

Definitely! Get creative with your Skinny Spuds by experimenting with different flavor combinations.

Add roasted garlic, fresh herbs, or even a splash of hot sauce to customize the recipe to your taste preferences.

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