9 Liquids To Increase Iron Levels

Iron is an essential mineral that our bodies need to function correctly. It plays a crucial role in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body.

If you’re feeling constantly tired, weak, or short of breath, it might be due to low iron levels.

But don’t worry; there are plenty of delicious and nutritious drinks that can help boost your iron intake.

Let’s dive into the world of iron-rich liquids that can help you stay healthy and energized.

What is Iron and Why Do We Need It?

Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Without enough iron, your body can’t produce enough healthy red blood cells, leading to iron deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of iron deficiency can include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and more.

The Importance of Iron-Rich Drinks

While we often think about solid foods when it comes to getting our nutrients, liquids can be just as effective.

Iron-rich drinks are a fantastic way to quickly and easily increase your iron levels.

Plus, they’re often easier to digest and can be more convenient for people with busy lifestyles.

1. Spinach and Kale Smoothie

Why Spinach and Kale?

Spinach and kale are both powerhouse greens packed with iron. When blended into a smoothie, these leafy greens retain their iron content and become a delicious drink.

How to Make It

To make a spinach and kale smoothie, blend a handful of fresh spinach and kale with a banana, a cup of orange juice (which helps with iron absorption due to its vitamin C content), and a spoonful of chia seeds.

This drink is not only iron-rich but also full of other essential nutrients.

2. Beetroot Juice

The Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot is another excellent source of iron. It’s also rich in folic acid, which is crucial for maintaining healthy blood.

Making Beetroot Juice

To prepare beetroot juice, simply wash, peel, and blend fresh beetroots with a bit of water.

For added flavor, you can mix in some apple or carrot juice. Drinking beetroot juice regularly can significantly boost your iron levels.

3. Prune Juice

Prunes and Iron

Prunes, or dried plums, are well-known for their high iron content.

Prune juice is a convenient way to enjoy the benefits of prunes without having to eat them whole.

Easy Prune Juice Recipe

Prune juice is readily available in stores, but you can also make it at home by soaking dried prunes in water overnight and then blending them.

This drink is particularly beneficial for those who need a gentle solution to increase their iron intake.

4. Pumpkin Juice

Why Pumpkin?

Pumpkin is not only a fall favorite but also a good source of iron. Pumpkin juice is a lesser-known but highly nutritious drink.

Preparing Pumpkin Juice

To make pumpkin juice, blend fresh pumpkin with a little water.

You can sweeten it with honey or mix it with apple juice for a more palatable flavor. Pumpkin juice is a refreshing way to get more iron into your diet.

5. Mulberry Juice

Mulberries and Their Benefits

Mulberries are rich in iron and vitamin C, which makes mulberry juice an excellent drink for boosting iron levels.

How to Enjoy Mulberry Juice

You can find mulberry juice in health food stores, or you can make it at home by blending fresh or dried mulberries with water.

This sweet and tangy juice is a delightful way to improve your iron intake.

6. Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies Galore

Green smoothies, made from a variety of leafy greens, fruits, and other ingredients, are an excellent way to pack a lot of iron into one drink.

Perfect Green Smoothie Recipe

A basic green smoothie might include spinach, kale, a green apple, a banana, and some almond milk.

The vitamin C from the fruit helps your body absorb the iron from the greens.

Feel free to experiment with different ingredients to keep your smoothies exciting and delicious.

7. Blackstrap Molasses Drink

The Power of Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugar cane processing and is incredibly rich in iron.

It has a strong, slightly bitter taste, but it can be made into a tasty drink.

Making a Molasses Drink

Mix a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses into a glass of warm water or milk.

You can also add it to your smoothies or oatmeal. Drinking this regularly can significantly increase your iron levels.

8. Tomato Juice

Tomatoes and Iron

Tomatoes are a good source of iron and vitamin C. Tomato juice is a refreshing and tangy way to boost your iron intake.

Homemade Tomato Juice

To make tomato juice, blend fresh tomatoes and strain out the solids. Add a pinch of salt and pepper for taste. This juice can be enjoyed on its own or as part of a mixed vegetable juice.

9. Dandelion Tea

A Herbal Solution

Dandelion greens are another iron-rich plant. When made into tea, they provide a gentle and natural way to increase iron levels.

Brewing Dandelion Tea

To make dandelion tea, steep dried dandelion leaves in hot water for about 10 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

You can sweeten it with a bit of honey if desired. This tea is not only good for iron but also helps with digestion.

The Role of Vitamin C in Iron Absorption

Why Vitamin C Matters

Vitamin C significantly enhances the absorption of non-heme iron (the type of iron found in plant-based foods).

Pairing your iron-rich drinks with a source of vitamin C can maximize their benefits.

Easy Vitamin C Additions

Consider adding a squeeze of lemon or a splash of orange juice to your iron-rich drinks.

This simple step can make a big difference in how much iron your body absorbs.

Tips for Increasing Iron Absorption

Simple Strategies

Aside from adding vitamin C, there are other tips to help your body absorb more iron:

  1. Avoid Calcium-Rich Foods/Drinks: Calcium can inhibit iron absorption, so try to consume iron-rich drinks separately from dairy products.
  2. Cook in Cast Iron: Cooking with cast iron cookware can increase the iron content of your food.
  3. Avoid Tannins: Tannins, found in tea and coffee, can reduce iron absorption. Try to avoid drinking these close to meal times.


Boosting your iron levels doesn’t have to be a chore. With these delicious and nutritious iron-rich drinks, you can easily incorporate more iron into your diet.

From smoothies and juices to herbal teas, there are plenty of options to suit your taste and lifestyle.

Remember, pairing these drinks with vitamin C can help maximize their benefits. So, start sipping your way to better health today!


1. Can I drink these iron-rich liquids every day?

Yes, you can enjoy these iron-rich drinks daily. However, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and not rely solely on drinks for your iron intake.

2. How quickly can I expect to see improvements in my iron levels?

It varies from person to person, but you might start to notice improvements in a few weeks if you consistently consume iron-rich foods and drinks.

3. Are there any side effects of consuming too much iron?

Yes, consuming too much iron can lead to iron overload, which can be harmful. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the right amount for you.

4. Can children drink these iron-rich liquids?

Most of these drinks are safe for children, but it’s always best to consult with a pediatrician before making any significant changes to a child’s diet.

5. Can I use these drinks if I’m pregnant?

Yes, these drinks can be beneficial during pregnancy, but it’s crucial to discuss any dietary changes with your healthcare provider to ensure they meet your specific needs.

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